Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

LOVED (Loading Via English Days) & Talent Night

LoVED (Loading Via English Days) & Talent Night is the most anticipated annual event of FLL for every angkatan... Why? Because Loved is held for every students of FLL to use the knowledge that they have learned while studying in FLL and also to show off their creativity and skills. Loved is held for two days where every angkatan competes to achieve "The Best Angkatan" title.

The competitions consist of exciting academic competitions that calls for creativity like IC, Spelling Bee, Drama, Story Telling, DJ Hunt, Dance, and ED Race.

Talent Night itself is the night of the announcement. What announcement? Surely it's the announcement of the winners' competitions in Loved and also award winners. Also there will be interesting performances from FLL students. Isn't it exciting?

Loved & Talent night 2014 will be held on January 23-24, 2014.

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