Selasa, 19 November 2013

The 7th International Seminar.

The 7th International Seminar which theme is "Language Policy and Planning: What Are The Issues?" will be held on November 20th-21st, 2013 at Balairung Utama. This seminar is the first time ever faculty's program merged with students' activity. Students who are from angkatan 2011 required to join in this seminar from the beginning until the end of the seminar which are consists of plenary session and pleno session because of the importance of the seminar for their academic writing course and for students who are from angkatan 2012 only required to join the plenary session for their academic listening course but they are also allowed to join all session either. There are seven speakers for this seminar, the key speaker is Hywel Coleman from University of Leeds, UK. The other speakers are Prof. Richard Baldauf and Dr. Obaidul Hamid, University of Queensland, Australia; Prof. Fuad Abdul Hamid, Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia; and different key speakers from 3 different countries. Wanted to know more about the seminar? Make sure you're already on the list, guys! This seminar will really help you with your English learning. See you there..