Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

EDFM (English Department Film Making)

A place where you can get a whole lot of new experiences of film making.  We will learn how to make a film, from the preparation until the production. You can experience become the crew such as the camera person, the story boarder, or perhaps the script writer. You can also experience as the producer and the director. Don’t forget that you can choose to be the cast as well. But this year, we will collaborate with EDRT to be the casts in our next film production.    

EDRT (English Department Reader’s Theater)

If you like acting but have difficulties to memorize the script, then EDRT is a good place for you because you don’t have to  memorize your lines. We perform a mini drama called reader’s theater where you can act while reading your lines. Don’t worry if you are not confidence enough with your acting because we will give you plenty of materials related to acting such as expression, pronunciation, and blocking.

EDRT will perform two performances that we called ‘Trial’. Whereas in each Trial, we will perform two different performances. Every EDRT member has chance to be the cast in the Trial. But don’t worry if you are not chosen to perform in the Trial yet, you can still experience to be the crew. You can provide or if it is possible, design costumes for the cast, provide the property for the show, design the setting of the performance, or if you like make up, you can be the make up artist for the cast. 

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

EDO (English Department Olympic)

English Department Olympic 2013 (EDO)  is the sport-competition among angkatan such as soccer, tug war, volleyball, basketball, and mini games. This event is intended for  making good friendship among angkatan.Besides that EDO was formed to find good seeds (FLL students) who have capability in sports . Hence,hopefully  FLL will have good seeds to be a representative in wider scale of competitions such as POM (Pekan Olaharaga Mahasiswa).

In the end of this event, will be the most waited moment. Because THE BEST ANGKATAN will be announced here.

LOVED (Loading Via English Days) & Talent Night

LoVED (Loading Via English Days) & Talent Night is the most anticipated annual event of FLL for every angkatan... Why? Because Loved is held for every students of FLL to use the knowledge that they have learned while studying in FLL and also to show off their creativity and skills. Loved is held for two days where every angkatan competes to achieve "The Best Angkatan" title.

The competitions consist of exciting academic competitions that calls for creativity like IC, Spelling Bee, Drama, Story Telling, DJ Hunt, Dance, and ED Race.

Talent Night itself is the night of the announcement. What announcement? Surely it's the announcement of the winners' competitions in Loved and also award winners. Also there will be interesting performances from FLL students. Isn't it exciting?

Loved & Talent night 2014 will be held on January 23-24, 2014.

Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

EDVC (English Department Volleyball Community)

As the growth of the students interested in Volleyball is increasing, A Brand New Community is made to provide a place for those who interested in Volleyball.
Basic technic of playing Volleyball
3 hours practice,
On Wednesday, 3 to 6 p.m

Just like the other two Communities, basketball and Football. This community, too, prepare you to be able bring the name of the faculty by winning the competition among faculties in SWCU.

EDFC (English Department Football Community)

Experience League and Copa among students, lecturers and graduates of ED!
This community also provide a place to female students of ED who wants to have their skill of futsal trained.
Sunday, 11 a.m to 3 p.m

The competitions are made as a media to improve your skill and build the competitiveness inside you. It also prepare the students for the competition among faculties in SWCU.

EDBC (English Basketball Community)

A place for those who love playing basketball and willing to be the a part of the faculty team! We hired a coach to develop the basic technic of your basketball skill.
Twice a week.
Monday 6 to 8 p.m
Saturday 4 to 6 p.m

This community facilitates you developing your skill especially in Basketball and makes you ready to represent the faculty for the competition among faculties in SWCU.

ECD (English Competition Days)

Starting from 2007, the Faculty of Language and Literature of SWCU together with its Student Body has been successful in organizing ECD – an annual English competition for senior high school students in Central Java and Jogjakarta. By holding this competition, we aim to provide a media where high school students are exposed to English through different kinds of competitions in a more challenging way.

ECD used to have 5 kinds of competition. But this year on 22-23 February 2014, But on this year on 22-23 feb'14, we have something different and its more challenging. A brand new competition ! So, we will have 6 competitions: story telling, debate, news casting, speech, drama and spelling bee.

“After each game, we want to able to say: I gave it all my best, I gave it all I could.” – ECD

Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013

EDLT (English Department Leadership Training)

EDLT (English Department Leadership Training)
an event under English Department Student Body that offer you a chance to polish your leadership skills through workshop, seminar, discussion, and team building.
EDLT is a requirement for those who are interested in joining the English Department Student Body (Lembaga Kemahasiswaan).
Prepare yourselves for the next EDLT  that will be held in
January 2014.
Only for the first 160 registrants.
The registration day will be announced later.

Shema at English Department (ShED)

Shema at English Departmen (ShED) adalah KBM yang ada pada bidang kerohanian dengan visi menanamkan, mengaplikasikan dan mengembangkan nilai - nilai kristiani dalam berbagai bidang dalam kehidupan. Misi – misi KBM ini adalah memotivasi, mewadahi dan memberi sarana bagi mahasiswa/i FBS untuk dapat mengembangkan diri dalam bidang kerohanian Kristen khususnya dengan kegiatan-kegiatan bersama yang bersifat rohani. Sasaran kegiatannya adalah mahasiswa/mahasiswi FBS pada khususnya dan mahasiswa/mahasiswi UKSW pada umumnya. KBM ini dibentuk dengan tujuan umum menanamkan, mengaplikasikan dan mengembangkan nilai-nilai Kristiani dalam berbagai bidang dalam kehidupan. Tujuan khusus dari KBM ini adalah menanamkan, mengaplikasikan dan mengembangkan nilai-nilai Kristiani dalam berbagai bidang dalam kehidupan.
Kegiatan rutin ShED antara lain : Ibadah rutin setiap hari Kamis pukul 16:00-18:00,English service setiap 2 bulan sekali, Ibadah dengan pembicara dari luar setiap 2 bulan sekali. Adapun Event yang diselenggarakan adalah Kunjungan ke panti asuhan.                                       

                                                  2. Ibadah padang